The Best Career Objective for Freshers 2020

The Best Career Objective for Freshers 2020

The Best Career Objective for Freshers

A resume objective or a career objective is a heading statement of your resume, in which you describe your professional goals in the job you’re applying for.

The Best Career Objective for Freshers statement include

  1. Strong trait.
  2. Your skills.
  3. Position name and the company.
  4. Value you’ll add for the employer.

When looking at your resume, one of the first things a recruiter or hiring manager might see is your objective, since it’s likely toward the very top, just under your name and contact information. If you include an objective, it’s imperative that it stand out for the right reasons.

An effective resume objective powerfully and succinctly spells out who you are (in terms of your work experience) and where you’re looking to go in your career. It shows at-a-glance how you will provide value to the company.

Career objectives are important for a fresher experience individuals should write professional summary rather than career objective.

Career objective is typically one or two sentences long. But don’t make them too long and it is usually 50 – 100 words. So now you know that long career objectives are no good for you. It states what kind of career you are seeking, and what skills and experiences you have that make you ideal for that career.

But don’t try to align with a career which you never want to pursue.

But, you should use some billeted text right after the summary which emphasis your skills or experience. This will help the recruiter to read your resume with ease and mark your achievements/capabilities.

Career Objective Samples

Finance: Seeking an entry-level position in the field of Finance in an esteemed organization that would help me expand my knowledge of the domain and put my financial reporting and planning skills to good use.

SEO/ SMM Marketing: Certified Marketing expert with specialization in SEO and SEM. Looking to attain the designation of ‘SEO’ or ‘SEM Executive’ in a company that understands the importance of online marketing. Highly motivated and a marketing enthusiast.

Sales and Marketing: MBA in Marketing. Seeking to work as a Sales Professional with a product or service company. Possess good communication skills and know-how to generate leads and increase the revenue of a business. Looking to attain the designation of ‘Marketing Executive’ where I can put my creative & communication skills to use to help a business expand its clientele

IT: Looking to work as an IT professional in a dynamic internet company. B.Tech Graduate looking forward to implementing new technologies. Have a good knowledge of programming languages and cloud computing systems.

Graphic designer : Seeking the position of a Junior Graphic Designer with a company that lets me translate business purpose into attractive designs. Motivated to use my graphic and visual art skills to optimum. Good at drawing illustrations and layouts.

Accountant : Seeking to obtain the role of a Junior Accountant in a company that provides account management and finance related services. Proficient in using various accounting software and poses good financial planning and problem-solving abilities.

Teacher : Seeking the post of a professional Teacher. Strong ability to motivate young minds and impart education in modern ways. Excellent academic background combined with good communication skills.

HR: Looking to obtain the position of an HR Executive jobs with a company that allows me to use as well as develop my communication, negotiation, and problem solving skills to carry out duties in areas such as recruitment, policy implementation, and employee relations.

Lawyer: Confident, committed, and smart individual, looking to pursue a career as a lawyer in a law firm that offers me good practical experience and helps me enhance my negotiation and communication skills.

The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Resume Objectives:

As you are just starting out your career, it is important you present yourself in a professional way to increase your chances of getting your first dream job.

DO-Keep it short and sweet: Objective should be descriptive and to-the-point; it should also contain action word. Aim for no more than one or two sentences, and make sure it doesn’t take up more than two lines on the paper. Any more than that and it’s too wordy, and taking up far too much valuable space on your resume. A lengthy objective statement may show that you’re incapable of wrapping up thoughts concisely.

DON’T- Use incomplete sentences: Don’t want to go too far in the other direction and have your resume objective consist of just a few words. It should at least be a complete thought and not a smattering of adjectives that describe your ideal work situation. Really think about what you want to say, and be economical in your choice of words, but also be sure to create complete thoughts, and make sure it says what you want it to convey. Read it out loud to make sure it makes sense.

  1. Avoid dense text by using a second page, but no more than two pages.
  2. Best is to use a single page for resume.
  3. Be honest. Honesty is the best policy but don’t overdo.
  4. Career objective should be relevant to the job applied. Because, this is the first impression.
  5. Don’t use any fancy fonts.
  6. Don’t use bold to emphasize your summary.
  7. You should avoid underlining words.
  8. You can use power words to emphasize but you need to limit them.
  9. Make use of the adjectives in your resume.

You should also use the verbs to emphasize your resume.

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