7 Things to Learn Before Going to a Job Interview 2023

7 Things to Learn Before Going to a Job Interview 2023

7 Things to Learn Before Going to a Job Interview 2023

Do you have a job interview coming up in the next few days? Then you better keep reading to learn about a secret weapon that will give you a huge advantage during your interview. Researching employers is one of the best ways to become a stand-out candidate during the hiring process. By putting on your detective hat and investigating potential employers, you’ll discover details about the employer that will better prepare you for any interview.

What you do before an interview can be crucial in presenting yourself as confident and qualified. There are a number of ways that you can prepare for an interview and when you do, you're likely to make a positive impression.

In this article, we discuss the importance of preparing for interviews, list the benefits of preparing for them and 7 Things to Learn Before Going to a Job Interview 2023.

Why is it important to prepare for an interview?

Interviewing is a skill, making practice essential in becoming a better interviewee. Interview practice involves learning how to answer questions related to your role and studying them. For example, you might pair with a friend and allow them to ask you a series of questions. Doing this assesses how well you answer each question in the moment and how well you approach questions that are unfamiliar to you. Practicing is also a time to work on your posture, appearance and non-verbal communication such as how you use your hands in conversation.

Benefits of preparing for an interview

Here are several of the benefits you earn by preparing ahead of your interview:

Improves your comfort

Preparing for an interview at home better prepares you for the real interview. When you know many of the questions they might ask and understand how to answer them, it relieves stress and increases your comfort level. When you're comfortable at an interview, you answer each question clearly and effectively.

Increases your confidence

As you alleviate stress and prepare for your interview, your confidence rises. Knowing how to answer questions feels empowering, ensuring that you're ready for the interview. Confidence within an interview increases the chances of remembering the skills and experience you earned in previous positions.

Gain constructive feedback

Mock interview processes and practice help clarify your responses to certain questions. The mock interviewer you pair yourself with can identify your strengths and outline your weaknesses. They show you where to make improvements and advise you on how to do it. For example, a mock interviewer notices and advises you on areas such as:

Ø Shortening answers

Ø Speaking clearly

Ø Appropriate posture

Ø Positive attitude

Now that you have an interview, there are certain things you will want to do in advance to prepare for it. This article will provide practical tips on how to prepare for a job interview. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so you’ll want to do your best in preparing for your interview in advance.

Preparation is key for any job interview. Below are a series of steps you should take leading up to the event, to help maximise your chances of success:

The week before the interview:

1. Do your homework

Research the company and its background beforehand. Search for information online. Find out who will be interviewing you, and review the job description in detail so you understand it inside out. It’s also worth researching news or activities relating to the specific industry, as this shows interest. These tips will help you with your pre-interview homework.

2. Prepare your questions

When asked by the interviewer if you have any questions, have a few ideas up your sleeve. This demonstrates that you’re prepared, enthusiastic and committed to the role and the company. Try to think of less obvious but interesting questions that will set you apart from other candidates.

3. Practice your interview technique

Think beforehand about how you can best demonstrate your skills and experiences in an interview. This can make you feel more confident on the day. If you’ve been asked to give a presentation as part of the interview process, give it a final run-through, make sure you’ve got prompt cards, and try to make it as compelling as possible.

4. Plan your journey

Spend time prior to the interview working out how you’ll get there. Look up public transport routes and timetables, or find out where you can park. Plan how long the journey will take. Do a practice run, if necessary. Aim to arrive about 15 minutes early.

5. Stay focused

Clear your diary before and after the interview, so you can stay fully focused on the event. In order to give the interview your total attention, you don’t want to be preoccupied with other things that need doing that day.

The night before or morning of the interview:

6. Sleep well

Don’t cram any last-minute interview preparation in just before bedtime, as this could disrupt your sleep. Relax before bed to ensure you get a restful night’s slumber, so you’re firing on all cylinders the next day.

7. Eat a healthy breakfast/lunch

Fuel yourself with slow-releasing carbohydrates prior to your interview, such as porridge for breakfast or wholemeal sandwiches for lunch. These will keep your energy levels topped up for longer, so you stay alert and don’t suffer any energy slumps during the interview. Avoid alcohol at all costs.

8. Stay calm and confident

Naturally, nerves will begin to kick in, but try to stay calm and confident. Take deep breaths and practice positive, self-affirmation thoughts in your mind. If you’ve done adequate research, you shouldn’t have anything to fret about.

9. A final read through

Give your research and preparation a final glance before the interview, to keep it fresh in your mind. Now isn’t the time to be doing any new research.

10. Don’t forget printouts

Make sure you’ve got printouts of your CV with you, as well as any other supporting information, like references or a portfolio. Pop a notepad and pen in your bag just in case you need to write anything down.

11. Dress appropriately

Make sure you dress appropriately for the job interview. You must look professional. Try checking out the LinkedIn profiles of the company’s employees to get an idea on how they dress. Don’t leave ironing clothes to the last minute – it’s best to do this the night before, so you feel as organised as possible.

On arrival at the interview

12. A friendly, professional greeting

When you enter the interview building, greet reception staff in a friendly, professional manner. If possible, find out the name of the receptionist so you can break the ice with a personal greeting. Introduce yourself and explain that you’re there for an interview and provide the name of the interviewer/s.

13. Wait professionally

Adopt a professional approach when you’re sat waiting for the interview, using positive, confident body language. Now isn’t the time to check your social media accounts or WhatsApp your friends. Instead, switch your phone off before you enter the building and leave it alone until afterwards. If there are any corporate brochures to hand, flick through these while you wait.

14. First impressions count

It’s a fact that first impressions count, so as soon as the interviewer approaches you, ensure you come across as personable, professional and courteous. Stand up straight, smile, make eye contact and extend your hand. Say hello and introduce yourself, stating that it’s a pleasure to meet them, and thank them for taking the time to see you today. Attention to detail can go a long way to securing your dream role.

As you prepare for your upcoming interview, here are 7 things you should learn about an employer:

The skills and experience the company values.

Key players of the organization.

News and recent events about the employer.

The company’s culture, mission, and values.

Clients, products, and services.

The inside scoop.

The person interviewing you.

These tips will help you prepare for the big day of your professional interview! Follow these tips and you'll get through the big interview with flying colours! Whether you have a mock interview, or are starting to prepare for your professional career, practice these tips to properly prepare for the big day!

Dressing the Part

Review the Questions the Interviewers Will Ask You

Do Enough Research on the Company

Be Respectful of the Interviewers

Good Non-Verbal Behaviour

Be On Time to the Interview

Know all the Credentials of the Company and the Job you're Applying For

Bring Extra Resumes

Speak with Energy and Provide True Details

Writing Thank You Letters Immediately After the Interview

By following these tips, you'll rock your interview and make sure to wow the company and hopefully seal the deal and get a job!

In summary, give yourself the best chance possible for interview success by preparing well in the lead up to your interview. Use the week before to brush up on your techniques and knowledge of the company, the night before to get a good night’s rest and the interview itself to showcase your organisation and diligence in preparing for this interview.

All the very Best!

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