Toyota Tsusho Bharat Motor Pvt Ltd
Bengaluru/Bangalore, Karnataka
Toyota Tsusho India Private Limited was established in 1999 as a joint venture unit of Toyota Tsusho Corporation, Japan and KSL. At present, TTIPL hosts its business operations at New Delhi, Manesar, Ahmedabad, Visakhapatnam, Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru and Chennai, with its headquarters in Bangalore, Karnataka. We have set up our operations in Bangalore to implement Global Toyota’s Plan project. TTIPL acts as a steel processing and integrated Logistics service provider besides dealing with various materials with regards to import and export for TKM and its Parts suppliers.
TTIPL believes and follows the core principles of conducting business activities as per Toyota Tsusho Corporation 3 business fields- Mobility- A business field that works towards building a convenient society for all. Life & Community- A business field that contributes to a comfortable & healthy society through services like insurance, healthcare and IT services and Resource & Environment-A business field that contributes to a sustainable society through services like Energy & Project, Rare Earth Products and Recycling.