The distinctive and definitive matrix of printing excellence.
Since time immemorial, man has always had the urge to communicate – to propagate ideas, thoughts, principles and philosophies. Printing is a relatively modern phenomenon, so in primitive ages, man sufficed his creative needs by engraving on stone, wood, palm leaf or animal skins. Writing on parchment, cloth and paper was done in recent history.
Though the Chinese were master craftsmen when it came to communicating via print, it was Johannes Gutenberg with Andreas Dritzehen in 1496 who gave birth to the modern printing technology. The movable type revolutionized communication which eventually led to the renaissance. Gutenberg's invention is regarded as the most important invention of the second millennium. From that moment in time, printing presses rapidly expanded and printing became affordable, faster and superior in quality.
Sadguru Screens is one of Bangalore's leading Offset Printers with a client base that spans across India. For more than two decades, our collective professional expertise in printing has been helping them make a difference in their marketing efforts. We own best-in-class machinery that complements international processes. Our control over workflow and production processes ensures that your job gets done with compelling quality on time, every time at the best costs.
Our Mission
Our new mission simplifies our reason to exist: Become a trusted partner by constantly creating excited customers. In short, we go beyond creating satisfied customers to create excited customers.
Perfection is not a word, but the principle we live by.